Measure and weigh the spectrum palm shortening and place it with the butter in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.
In a medium bowl whisk together brown rice flour, sorghum, arrowroot, potato starch, xanthan gum, and salt. Set aside.
In small bowl, add the tbsp of Bob's egg replacer, but do not add the water yet to activate.
Once your butter and shortening have chilled, remove them from the refrigerator and begin mixing them into the dry mixture using a pastry cutter. Keep mixing until you get a coarse crumb-like consistency.
Next add the 2 tbsp of warm water to the egg replacer, stir and let sit one minute to thicken while you grab a tall glass of ice cold water. (Be sure to add the ice)
Then add your thickened egg replacer mixture and apple cider vinegar ato the flour and slowly begin forming your dough as you add 1 tbsp at a time of the ice cold water. No more than 8 tbsp.
Your dough should now be formed. Divide it evenly into two balls
On a piece of parchment paper begin spreading one of the dough balls from center to edge using your hands. Feel free to use a little brown rice flour for dusting your fingertips
Refer to the "look over my shoulder" video for my technique flattening and shaping the pie dough.
Once your dough is flattened into a flat circle, with one hand on the top of the crust and one hand on the bottom, carefully flip the pie dough and let it fall into the pie pan.
Carefully align and smooth out any edges that may need to be fixed. Cover with a piece of parchment paper and place in the refrigerator.
On a another piece of parchment paper repeat flattening the second dough ball using my same technique from the video. Except this flattened circle will get placed on a lined cookie sheet.
Then with a either a dough scraper or a smooth knife begin cutting strips making sure to leave a little room between each one so that you can grab them when it's time.*
Once all of the strips are cut. Cover them with another piece of parchment paper and place in the refrigerator.
Start your timer for 30 minutes now.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees and begin to prepare your filling. Fill the bottom pie crust and place it back in the refrigerator until the full 30 minutes have passed.
Once 30 minutes have passed remove the pie crust and strips from the refrigerator.
Keep a close eye on the strips. Once they begin to soften a bit, grab them as I show you in the video and begin making the top crust for your pie.
Once your pie is fully designed. Brush a little bit of coconut milk gently over the top and sprinkle some coarse turbinado sugar (optional).
If your oven is not fully preheated, place completed pie back in the refrigerator until your oven is ready. This can also be used as a make ahead tip.
When you are ready to bake the pie, place it on top of a cookie sheet and bake at 400 for 20 minutes on the middle oven rack.
Once 20 minutes has past, reduce your oven temperature (DO NOT open your oven) to 375 and bake the remaining 30-35 minutes or until your pie has a dusting of color.
Do not worry if your filling looks runny, it will gel as it cools.
Let cool completely or serve slightly warm and enjoy!