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Are you caught in the middle?

Do you ever find yourself caught in the middle? You know, in the middle, somewhere between denial and acceptance. I do!

Sometimes I feel like it’s easier to be in denial and believe I can live a life that is carefree. (or so it seems)

Because denial is believing that this journey is easy.

Denial is thinking that we can do everything everyone else can do.

Denial is living in a different day other than the present.

Denial is pretending you are not completely exhausted from spending hours baking in the kitchen.

BUT it’s when I lean in toward acceptance…..that’s when something magical happens. My eyes begin to see the reward in this journey.

Because acceptance is not about failing or giving up, it’s about giving yourself grace and celebrating all the little things.

It’s about perseverance and being stronger than you were yesterday. And It’s about finding joy in more than just food.

We may not be able to do all the things and eat all the food, and we may celebrate our holidays just a little differently than others. We may also worry more and have more questions.

Acceptance is about not feeling shame for being an advocate for yourself or your children.

It is about not trying to compare yourself or your life to those who cannot relate to your struggles, it is also about trying to find joy in them.

It’s about loving who you have become in spite of it all, and watching your kids do the same.

Even I still struggle between denial and acceptance, but as long as I am forever in between all the kisses these boys can give me, I know we will all be more than ok.

Denial and Acceptance

This weekend especially, may you find joy to fill your hearts. May you find hope for the future and may you lean in a little closer to acceptance. It may not be your favorite place, but it is and always will be a better, much stronger place to be. Your future self, and kids will thank you.

I want to wish you a wonderful Easter full of many blessings.

Next week I will recap all the recipes I tested this week and how they turned out. You won’t want to miss it.

Until next time!




P.S. If you feel alone and isolated, please join us in my Stay Gluten Free Community (it’s FREE to join, click here now). We’re here for you.