Need help with Thanksgiving? You've come to the right place

Let me guess, you’ve begun thinking about this year’s Gluten Free Thanksgiving and you’re beginning to panic. Have you been wondering why some people have it so easy being able to eat what they want while others (like you and me) will not?

During the holidays it’s so nice to gather around a table with family and friends and share the one thing that truly connects us, food. But the feeling of isolation and exclusion is very real when you can’t eat what everyone else is eating and you have no idea how to make you own gluten free Thanksgiving feast.

Fear not my friend, you’are not alone!

In my Thanksgiving guide I give you easy, tried and true recipes that will help you create your very own gluten free Thanksgiving feast. One that tastes just as good as the original. Once you make my recipes, you’ll truly feel like you are never missing out again.

That means if you’re new to gluten free, a mom trying to feed her gluten free kids or someone who just has a hard time in the kitchen, you are going to be able to create a Thanksgiving feast you and everyone else will enjoy right away.

My goal is to help you create the basics of a gluten free Thanksgiving feast so that you and your family can have a safe, delicious holiday and feel included. So are you ready? Let’s dive in!

In this e-guide, I’m going to share why it’s so important to choose and cook the right turkey, tips on avoiding cross contamination and much more. Not to mention my amazing recipes for

  • Stuffing
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Green Bean Casserole
  • Pie crust (a fan favorite)
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Apple Pie
  • Easy Pumpkin Muffins (Using King’s Arthur’s all purpose gluten free flour)
  • and links to many more favorites
These recipes are also dairy, egg and nut free. 

I put this e-guide together because in my Stay Gluten Free Community I have seen so many people struggle with being new to gluten free and not knowing where to start, having many failed attempts at baking and wanting to eat real, healthy food. Food that will not make them feel or look different.

The reality is I can relate to this struggle all too well. This has to do with my story too.

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Thank you for sharing your pie crust recipe. The dough was so easy to work with, I made hand cherry pies for my family…Taste delicious. My new pie crust dough…

Gluten Free Thanksgiving

When I became gluten free, Thanksgiving went something like this. I attended family gatherings, I ate the turkey, and mostly just plain vegetables that had been sautéed or roasted. I knew nothing about cross contamination, I felt miserable after my meal and would often end the day with a splitting headache and symptoms that continued as the night went on. This went on for years. I was young and really didn’t invest the time to learn about what would make me feel better. Going gluten free was about solving one major problem in my life my interstitial cystitis.

It wasn’t until I had my son and he had to be gluten free that I really investigated what was going into our mouths. You see, not only is he gluten intolerant, but he also has other food allergies. Not kidding, it’s a list.

I will never forget the first turkey I cooked. It was a turkey breast and I wrapped it in Applegate bacon. I have the whole story with photos here if you want to read more about it. But the moral of the story is this, I was new to this, I felt left out and the holidays were changed forever.

But this story doesn’t stop with me.

I developed these recipes in order to give you (and me) the food we would love again while feeling included with everyone else. This is what I want for you. You wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t worried about what you were going to eat this Thanksgiving. So luckily, I have a solution.

I want to help you quickly overcome your fear of what you will be eating this Thanksgiving. That may sound silly at first especially to the person that can eat everything but I promise it is a real thing.

Don’t waste countless hours sifting through Pinterest for recipes that might work. Spend more time with your family this holiday season because you have it all figured out. 

Are you ready to transform your very own Thanksgiving feast. Ready? Let’s get started.

Spend more time eating pumpkin pie together than stressing over trying to fugure it all out alone.
A Gluten Free Thanksgiving
Copy Cat Stove Top Stuffing
A Gluten Free Thanksgiving
Delicious Green Bean Casserole
A Gluten Free Thanksgiving
Creamy Mashed Potatoes

Did you know that the turkey you purchase may not be gluten free?

A turkey is not gluten free when it is injected with a solution that contains broth and other ingredients. The purpose of this injection is to help maintain the moisture of the turkey. However for us, this is not helpful.

I found this disturbing for 2 reasons. One, why is our food being injected with anything at all?? It seems so unnatural and the reason for many illnesses we see today. And 2 why does our gluten free community have to worry about something so natural that comes from the earth.

Which leads me to my point that gluten can be hiding in the most unlikeliest of places.

Now, please do not email me with thoughts about why you don’t eat turkeys. I have heard all of that before and if you don’t that is your choice and preference. My mission will probably not benefit you.

Let me also say that my ideas, tips and tricks are based on my personal experience and what I have learned over the years. I don’t know it all but there is always something to be learned. Some may agree with me, others may not and that is ok. I don’t ever say you must! I just try to provide solutions to you to help short cut your learning process. I didn’t have that when I started and it was very very hard for me

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A Gluten Free Thanksgiving
Easy Pumpkin Pie
Enticing Pumpkin Muffins
A Gluten Free Thanksgiving
Scrumptious Pumpkin Pie

Thankfully there are brands like Honeysuckle that provide a fresh gluten free turkey that we can prepare. And I am here to tell you. If you prepare it my way, your turkey will be so moist and delicious no one will ever think or know it’s gluten free.

And the added benefit is that you will feel great and not immediately pass out after your meal.

So why am I selling these recipes when there are a million recipes out there on Pinterest for free? Here’s why! Because they come with much more than a set of instructions. They come with access to me and my community that will answer your questions so that you will succeed. They come with a “look over my shoulder” and all the steps on how to make my amazing pie crust. And so much more.

I have hosted Thanksgiving for the past 6 years and my extended family seriously raves about how wonderful my turkey and fixings are. And that they feel great afterwards. And none of them are gluten free? It makes me so happy that they actually look forward to my Thanksgiving feast.

So grab your copy of this my recipes, check your labels, call manufacturers, and be an educated consumer. Don’t settle for the food that will unknowingly cause you harm. Your health should be first and foremost.

Don’t let anyone shame you into eating the food that will cause you harm because they think your gluten free diet is a fad diet and unnecessary. Only you know the true benefits of what being gluten free are for you.

Make new non-food related traditions with your kids. Their food is now going to look and taste just like the food of everyone else. They will no longer be missing out, take this worry out of your day and enjoy what Thanksgiving truly is. An opportunity to give thanks.

An opportunity to gather with friends and family and now an opportunity to enjoy good food again.

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I am providing you with everything you need to create that perfect delicious Gluten Free Thanksgiving. This is your complete guide that gives you all of the tools you need to fix all the fixin’s. Everything in one place! There is no need to search for each recipe individually.

This was the easiest pie dough EVER to work with, even from my gluten days. 

Person Name

Cindy H.

The crust has a delicious flavor. Thanks for the recipe

Person Name

Kerissa W.

Don’t let a gluten intolerance, celiac disease or other food allergies get in the way of your life any longer. I am here with you every step of the way along with so many others in my Stay Gluten Free Community (it’s FREE to join, click here). I hope you will join us in there and get all of the love and support you need. I truly love and admire these people. We are a tight tribe.

I can’t wait to see all of the wonderful you make this Thanksgiving. Please be sure to post pictures in my Stay Gluten Free Community and also feel free to email me at

I look forward to seeing you in the kitchen!